VIDEO & FOTO GALERI/ Justin Bieber grushton dhe gjakos fansin e tij

VIDEO & FOTO GALERI/ Justin Bieber grushton dhe gjakos fansin e tij


Justin Bieber ka lënë një fans të gjakosur në buzë pasi i dha një goditje me grusht pas një koncerti në Barcelonë.
Në video duket 22-vjeçari kanadez që godet fansin mashkull kur ky i fundit i afrohet xhamit të makinës së tij.
Në momentin e incidentit, këngëtari po udhëtonte drejt stadiumit Palau Sant Jordi për të performuar gjatë turit të tij muzikor Purpose.
Fansi entuziast me zor priti momentin që të prekte këngëtarin, por Justin reagoi në një mënyrë që nuk pritej, duke e goditur atë.

Arrival: Justin Bieber was caught on camera reportedly punching a male fan in the face as he arrived at his concert in Barcelona's Palau Sant Jordi on Tuesday night
Point of contact: As the fan followed the car, while still touching the star, Justin's hand was seen jabbing at him before he was whisked away to the concert venue
Bloodied: The fan, who had reached his hand inside the car and was touching the star, was seen walking away from the Justin's vehicle sporting a bloodied lip
Infuriated: While he initially drove by calmly things soon hit rocky waters
Whack: Justin's arm was seen extending from the vehicle where it was met with the fan's lip
The jump: The clip captured the shocking moment the fan reached into the car 


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